Saturday, April 23, 2011

The ups and downs of my bank account

In the last year or so, I've realized that I'm becoming a very money-conscious person. I made what seemed like a fortune as a teacher in the fall, and now work my two part time jobs, for which hours can vary, and make a little income on the side whenever a website feels like publishing some of my writing. Needless to say, some weeks are better than others on the ole bank account. Hubby is in a similar boat. His job requires overtime some weeks, but others it's barely enough to be called part time.
The majority of my twentysomething friends can relate. Many of us haven't found a 9-5 niche, but work a few different jobs to piece together an income, or work at a job that's busier seasonably causing hours to fluctuate in different times of year. If you've read this blog somewhat regularly, you know that I kinda like having a couple different jobs (at least for right now). I enjoy the variety my lifestyle offers, the different hours I end up working (I'm not busy every night nor am I busy every day), and the ability to "try out" a few different types of jobs.
However, there is a little bit of a downside--I don't do so well with unpredictablility. I find myself pinching pennies wherever I can, "just in case" the paychecks we have don't stay consistent. I hatespending the least little bit of extra money when I don't absolutely have to. Hubby had to practically push me through the door of a clothing store yesterday because I only had one pair of jeans left without holes. Just today, I've been beating myself up about buying Chinese food for lunch at work, all because I ran out of time getting ready this morning and didn't have time to go back home for lunch (I had human services job 7-11:30 and retail job 12-8). A rational person would figure, it's okay. I really needed some new jeans, and it's not like I eat out very often when I'm at work...but not me. I'll be mad at myself for a little while yet.
It was never this bad when I was in the safe cushiony atmosphere of college where, while there were some bills I paid (car upkeep, gas, a few groceries, etc...) most of my money was "fun money." Now that there's a more direct relationship between working and having our apartment, our car, food, etc., I'm having to make some adjustments, and (as is typical for me) I'm erring on the side of caution. Being fairly cautious usually ends up being a wise choice for me...but lately I've caught myself thinking about money a little too often. I mean, we have enough. We're able to buy everything we need and even have a little left over...but somehow enough doesn't always feel like enough to worried little old me. Although I've been realizing that this change is maybe not so great for a week or so now, I read something today that was the icing on the cake.I came across a rather odd news headline that reads: "Termites eat millions of Indian rupees in bank". Ha! You might expect that to stress me out even more, being reminded of the impermanance of weath and all that, but instead something inside me clicked. When I read that story tonight, it made me feel so silly for getting all bent out of shape over how much money is enough for our itsy bitsy family. Those termites were hungry! They ate somewhere in the ballpark of 10 million rupees, which is about $222,000, stored in a steel safe behind reinforced walls and doors. Obviously, this is no fun for the people involved and the bankers and police that now have to participate in an investigation...but for some reason I kinda want to go give those termites a pat on the back. For them, all that money was nothing more than food--they were just getting what they needed to stay alive and well.
And doesn't my money do that for me? Yes it does, and comfortably so. I've developed a nice repertoire of budget-friendly meals, we have nice cushiony high-speed internet (and even Netflix--what luxury!), a good car, and an apartment that is just right for the two of us. Besides, it's no fun to see a job as nothing but a way to make money (although, I won't lie to you, if they didn't pay me I might stop showing up...). There are parts of my human services job that are very rewarding. I've already seen people make great strides toward individual goals in the short month that I've been working! I value the productivity and, occasionally, patience that my retail job has to offer. And, of course, writing for websites is just loads of fun...and I love seeing myself improve as I receive the feedback of a few different editors, not just the family and friends I'll actually let read something before it's "finished" (although you all are awesome).
So, way to go, termites! I think I'll be bookmarking that article just in case I ever need another reminder...

...Oh, and in case you're interested, I've had another article published! Check it out here: The Budget: No Money, No Morals

And have a great night!

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