Thursday, April 21, 2011

Job search update: Why I'm such a chicken...and I'm sick of it!

Ahh! I know! It's been far far far too many days since my last post. A certain someone (whose name starts with "h" and ends with "ubby") left a certain laptop at work the other night, so, alas, there was no post, and yesterday was the day of laundry and much scrubbing around this little apartment of ours. Yeah, yeah, excuses, excuses. I'll cut to the chase.

I may have done something exciting today. I joined a few job websites that focus on telecommuting jobs, many of which are freelance writing and editing jobs. This may not seem like such a big deal--I mean, what does it entail? Creating a username and password? Uploading a resume? What do I want, a medal?

Well, it's more than that for me. You know that feeling when you make a promise to yourself (many a New Year's Resolution to get in shape come to mind) and sometimes it's just so hard to take that first step (getting your lazy butt to the gym)? That's what this is like for me. As you all know, I love to write, and recently getting paid a little bit to do so for some websites has been really rewarding. I've been "testing the waters" so to speak, by submitting an article here and there, but I haven't  really considered freelance writing full time, or even part time, to be something I could actually achieve. In other words, I've been too chicken to actually try to earn significant income with my writing.

Every job search article I read along the lines of how-to-get-your-rear-in-gear tells me that I just need to take the first step. And then I just need to take the next step after that. And then the next, etc. etc. But that's hard for me! It's so much easier and less scary to say I'm too overwhelmed, or that it's just too hard to work my way to "the top" (or even the middle!) in freelance writing. Well, I'm sick of being a chicken! So I decided to fold up the ol' security blanket and put it on the top shelf of the closet for a while. I might even lock the closet door. Regardless, I'm going to be applying for some writing jobs that I can do wherever we're living, and we'll see what I can get.

Oh, and by the way, this is step 2. Telling all of you about my intentions is just as hard as signing up for those websites...because now it's not my little secret. It's not something I can just switch out with the security blanket in a couple weeks if I change my mind...and that's a good thing. So here goes! Don't worry, I'll keep you posted :-).

Comments? You know where they go. Got some friends? Share away!

Have a great night :-)


  1. Tricky to respond to these posts! Anyway - confession is good for the soul. You're out there now, and there's no turning back!

  2. Hey Kelsey,
    This is so interesting to me because earlier today I was sitting in a Buffalo coffee shop wondering --okay, panicking about -- what I'll be doing next year. I too found myself on a few career websites, clicking furiously between "Publishing/Writing" links and the "Job Fair" tab. Writing has been a strength of mine for years but doing it as a career seems miles away.

    Could you tell me which websites introduced you to freelancing? I'd like to check them out. Figuring out what freelancing entails is step one to getting *my* butt in gear.
