Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Gene Simmons sells life insurance? Switching careers using those transferable skills

Today, I'm a little bit shocked to say that I may have learned something from this guy:

Yeah, that's right, Gene Simmons of KISS. I read this article today describing the rock star's newest career venture. Besides marketing KISS and Simmons' token celebrity reality show, his resume now includes selling life insurance! And not just any life insurance, life insurance for the super-rich (you have to be worth at least $20 million to be considered). 

So, how did Simmons transform from the above pic, to third from the left in this one on the company's website?

Reportedly, the Cool Springs life insurance company offered him the deal because of:

1. His celebrity network that just so happens to easily meet the $20 million net worth requirement. 
2. The publicity the "curious" new deal would draw.
3. His no-nonsense and effective marking strategies, as demonstrated in selling out KISS shows, and capitalizing on tons of other swag. 

Now, I'm going to set my discontentment with the wealthy serving the wealthy on the back burner for a moment and try to learn something related to the purpose of the blog from this handsome piece of news. Essentially, what Simmons has done is offer transferable skills to a new career path--and isn't that what experts are always telling us career switchers and seekers to do? Focus on your skills that can apply to a variety of positions. 

Too bad "famous" seems to be the main transferable skill in this particular scenario...

So anyone want to grab some dollar store face paint, hot leather pants, and hit the road with me? Just think of the opportunities...


1 comment:

  1. Yes. I want to paint our faces, wear leather pants, and hit the road with you. Yes.
