Monday, April 25, 2011

My debut as a philosophizer

So, here I am, sitting on the couch after an evening shift at human services job, stuffing my face with leftover Easter ham, feeling a little brain dead because I just got home from work. Hubby jumps on this opportunity to talk to me about some philosophy...perfect timing. I was having a pretty hard time being interested, not gonna lie. But then he said something that struck me as pretty relevant to the way I've been feeling about human services job and my job preferences in particular.In Eastern countries, thinking of the good of the whole above the good of the individual is apparently a pretty common thing, whereas over here we're much more concerned with the good of the individual, assuming that the whole will take care of itself.

Immediately I thought of the brave workers at the Fukushima nuclear power plant. I read an interview with one of those workers and he said he didn't even think twice about staying there to work throughout the disaster. I can't find the exact interview again, but he said something along the lines of, even though he's aware that continuing to work in the power plant after the tsunami will probably cause his death sooner or later, he feels honored to be doing so for the good of the Japanese people. I couldn't help but wonder if we would have the same attitude in the U.S.?

Then I started thinking about my human services job. I've hinted in other posts about how much I'm enjoying my time at this job. I come home very tired, but with a sense of satisfaction with how I spent my day. I love the people I work with, and overall it's really a lot of fun. Tonight, however, as hubby was philosophizing at the other end of the couch, I realized that there's another reason why I enjoy this job so much. It's the feeling that I'm working toward the good of everyone I work with, and that generally that's how other staff I've worked alongside have treated the job as well. It's the feeling of working as a team to achieve good for other people that leaves me so satisfied at the end of my shift. It's a much different mindset than a lot of the other places I've worked, even other places that claim to be striving for good in other people's lives.

So, that said, I think this is something that might need to make it on my list of "career must-haves." It makes things a heck of a lot more fun :-)

Got comments? Down below, please. Got friends? Share this blog! Have a great night!

P.S.- Easter week was a little rocky with the blogging, I know, but I'm back to a more regular schedule this week!

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