Friday, April 15, 2011

How to make yourself dog-tired while pondering your career situation neurotic-style

Okay, so I'm not going to lie to you. I just woke up at about 11:22am. I didn't mean it! I actually meant to get up at about 8:30, which I did, for about 10 minutes to put some pork in the slow cooker along with a can of root beer (it's okay, you can call me a red neck) for pulled pork sandwiches later today. Then I sat on the couch for a minute with the hubby and figured I'd read a chapter or so of a book I'm working on (it is my day off, after all!) and lo and behold it was 11:22! Well, I suppose I needed it. But what, might you ask, is making me so very sleepy? Well, it just so happens the culprit is the very subject of this blog. So here's today's topic: How to make yourself dog-tired while pondering your career situation neurotic-style.

1. Look for jobs on online job boards, newspapers, potential employers' websites, etc. daily, even when you aren't sure you're ready to apply yet. 
Yeah, that's basically what I'm doing. I'll come home from work and seriously check 5 or so websites looking for anything that might suffice for the time being to pay our bills that I'm actually qualified for in the area that we're planning on moving to. I'll typically find 2-ish postings a week that I think would work financially and that I'd probably be considered for. So all is fine and dandy, right? Not so fast. You're skipping the most important step. I then have to engage in an internal war with myself about whether the job is good enough to possibly move early, leaving behind lots of summer employment opportunities...even though I have no idea what sort of opportunities will be there when I am feeling more committed to applying to loads of jobs. See how this could get tiring?

2. Try to start a series of mostly paid side ventures that you work on in your spare time, but would love to use more and more of your time on, eventually.
I'm talking about that little freelance writing thing again. Ah yes, that far away dream of mine that definitely won't be able to pay the bills for a while...but that I still need to be doing so that there's a possibility that it will in the long run. So, when I'm done checking my job boards, I check another set of job boards for blogging opportunities, people in need of article-writers, or just people who can't confidently write a grammatically correct sentence, and I apply to some of those. Now this can get really time consuming, especially because of all the different types of writing out there. I essentially need to draft a writing sample specific to each job because I don't have much of a portfolio to draw from. And then there are a few websites who actually want me to write stuff for them! So then, when I'm done, I write all of that stuff (which, in all seriousness, is loads of fun)...and, by then, you can technically call it "morning"...

3. Be in your first year of marriage.
So it would be cool of me to be a wife somewhere in the middle of all of this...which inevitably leads to us watching some 2-hour long documentary on Netflix whilst eating loads of ice cream followed by some deep conversation (yeah, we're one young and exciting couple) and...has anyone been counting how many hours it's been?

4. Spend quality time with family and friends. 
HA! 'Nuff said.

It's really a fairly simple process. Just follow these four easy steps, preferably cramming them in after a full day at work, and you too can find yourself accidentally sleeping for 12 hours on your day off.

...Which, by the way, is the best way to spend your down time, in my opinion. ;-)

Additional tips? Comments? Put 'em below! And, don't forget to share this blog with a friend! 

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