Thursday, May 19, 2011

The thoughts that leak out my ears

Hokay, it's really hard not to blog for the better part of a week...but I've been needing sleep. I feel like I've had to drag myself to bed and cram a stream of ideas back into my head via my ear before I lay down so they don't seep out and become un-bloggable later. Holy moly. Perhaps I should just write a mega post right now? Here goes--themes of the week. Feel free to skip ones that don't sound interesting to you. This post is a beast.

1. Nostalgia. With that whole moving and finding a new job thing looming somewhere on the not-so-defined horizon, I've been getting nostalgic and thoughtful about the jobs I have. Take retail job for example. My boss has been so good to me over the years. She's fun to work with/for, and it seems like she's always been there for me, hours in tow, whenever I've needed work. Looking back, there are months where I said something to the effect of "hang on tight because I don't have any plans but I want to work for you until I do/after my plans fall through" and she's gone with it. It makes me sad that this might actually be the last summer I work for her. Aaaand then take human services job. This one snuck up on me. The whole thing is pretty short term. I started working there in February and will move this summer sometime...I didn't really expect to get attached to the people I work with or anything like that--but I have. I've literally caught myself tearing up a tiny tiny bit a couple times this week (granted, I'm tired...) and have had to pull myself together and remember that I've still got a while left with them. I've learned a lot about myself through this job, too. When I left teaching I was worried that my whole "working with people" plan was now invalid...but I don't think that's the case. I've loved this job (most of the time ;-)) and can move on confident that serving and helping people who need it is something I enjoy and am capable of doing. Geez...I guess I'm going to miss the jigsaw puzzle of part-time schedules that is currently my career.

2. What is a job? All of this nostalgia has the philosophical gears a turnin' once again. Brace yourselves. I've been thinking about what a job should be. I mean we spend most of our waking hours there for the duration of has to be about more than making money, right? It seems silly to me that we would spend 8 waking hours at work, so we can enjoy the other few waking hours with the money we make. But what am I shooting for if it's about more than paying the bills? I mean, retail job is honestly something I do because I like my boss, I get some secret amusement out of the people who come into the store, and I feel invested in the business' well being after working there for a few years. Human services job is another story. I was thinking the other day that this is actually something I'd do for free every now and then because I like it (bosses, if you're reading this--don't get any ideas ;-)). This job is very different from my retail job. It's about meeting basic human needs for people who would otherwise live compromised lives. It's pretty awesome that I get to be a part of that. Aaand then there's the freelance writing career I'm trying to build up on the side. The main focus of that job is nurturing my creativity, sharpening my mind and improving my craft. It is, in a way, a pretty self-centered thing...but then again the whole reason I do it is to give others something to read. However, doing all my work online, I don't really see the people who appreciate my work. I might get an email or a few comments on an article...but that's about it. Pretty impersonal. So what the heck am I looking for?

3. Being a gal. Have you been keeping up with all the Schwarzenegger/ Strauss-Kahn stuff? Don't get me wrong--they're two very different things. One involves a possible sexual assault while the other does not. However, they have both helped spark an interesting train of thought for me this week. I've been interested in all the press, especially on those nasty gossip websites, surrounding the women involved. It seems to me that it's always the same. The men involved in sexual scandals get a big reaction, and rightfully so. The public is disappointed and their reputations are ruined, possibly forever. But then there's a quieter, yet substantial, buzz around the women involved. Who are they? What do they look like? I think the question we're really trying to answer is, what attracted him to her...even though attraction to another person is probably verrry low on the list of motivations for most of these men. Then I read this article in the NYT, and they seem to agree, albeit more elegantly. I guess I just get frustrated with the male-centered culture that I can't seem to get away from. Resisting the temptation to think to myself, "ooh who is this woman who was pursued by this high-profile, powerful man," is easier said than done. It frustrates me, however, that the internet isn't even trying to resist. **Insert connection to career issues here (I know, cut me some slack)**

I'll stop there for today, and I'll try to be a bit more regular with the bloggin' this weekend and into next week...hopefully I'll have a couple days off :-). As always, comment on any of the themes of the week below, share this with anyone who might like it, and have a great day!

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