Sunday, May 15, 2011

Oh, for a bit more time...

So, I'm working like 20 days in a row right now without a day off. I'm not sure how it happened--all of a sudden retail job and human services job seem to reaaaally need my time. It's fine for now...I just hope it doesn't go on for too much longer. Honestly, I miss the hubby. 

But that's not even the hardest thing about it. I know that a lot of you readers are in the same boat. There's something else that you're striving for beyond your current job(s). Whether that means you need to spend loads of time applying to other jobs, need time to work on that "other thing," or maybe a little bit of both, it can be really frustrating to not find that time anywhere. 

Basically, I'm frustrated because this has been a week filled with some of my worst writing ever. I have some new writing gigs, which is great, but very little time to work on them. I count on having 2 days off every week typically so I can spend one writing and then have one for myself. Hubby says I should just start taking shots of espresso and smoking cigarettes. And hey, if espresso could proofread and cigarettes could create original, energized syntax...I just might. 

Writing takes a surprising amount of my energy if I'm going to do it well. I'll draft a piece and then spend kind of a long time self-editing. I'll leave a piece feeling like I just ran some sort of ultra-dorky marathon where imprecise diction means you have to start all over again. Lately, I haven't had time to go back to the starting line--and my clients have noticed. It's just kind of a bummer. 

I don't mean for this to sound whiney--I just think it's something that a lot of us go through. You have certain obligations to your job(s) that unfortunately affect other parts of your life, sometimes negatively. 

But this makes me feel better:

Have a great day--and comment down there if you want :-)

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