Thursday, May 19, 2011

My secret fear of all things phone.

I can't sleep and I feel the need to you're getting another blog post whether you like it or not!

Here's the deal. I'm super nervous right now. I have a phone interview tomorrow morning (8:00am, yikes) with a company that might let me write/edit/proofread their website and any other content that reaches the eyes of the public. Honestly, interviews don't freak me out that much...but a phone interview, well that's a whole other story.  There's something inherently awkward about the phone. We've all felt it--that dead silence with no body language or facial expressions to mediate, or when people on both ends start talking at the same time and just keep stumbling over one another's vocal ejaculations, until both finally regain footing about five minutes later. I know I'm going to be awkward at some point. I also have this weird fear that they're going to surprise me with several interviewers on a conference call. I've never been on a conference call before, but I can only imagine that the awkwardness gets upped a power for each additional person. And I have a killer introductory handshake. Damn it.

On the bright side, I just broke my thumbnail, like hardcore-past-the-fingertip-with-blood broke they won't have to see the creation of this self-proclaimed band aid architect currently requiring three band aids to cover the tip of my thumb. That's good. They also won't have to know that my only blazer is really wrinkly and that my iron is covered in some kind of gunk that ruins clothes. Another plus.

Still, my fears outnumber the advantages. And all the internet has to offer me is stupid advice like "don't flush the toilet in the middle of your interview" and "get enough sleep the night before." Ha. Sleep is for the weak.

Anyway, I guess I just have to do my best and see what happens...and use lots of cheat sheets because they can't see them either ;-). I'll keep you posted.

Comments? Phone interview advice/stories? Have a great night!

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