Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How you're probably putting yourself in a box

I guess we can't avoid it. Don't we all have some sort of mechanism for defining ourselves? How else would we pretend to know ourselves as well as society demands us to? Being self-aware is a highly regarded quality, and people assume that you can describe yourself (jeez, especially in job interviews).

But isn't that kind of dangerous sometimes? Have you ever had someone oversimplify your personality? It happens to hubby and I all the time. He's Mr. Musician, and comes across as an artistic, intellectual, somewhat flighty type of person...whereas I come across as a little more pragmatic, people-oriented and structured. People love to assume that we're a classic case of "opposites attract," when really we're a lot more alike than people think. That whole intellectualism thing is a shared trait, and the hubby is actually pretty grounded most of the time (although I will admit he has his moments), while the "structured" vibe I guess I give off is a lot more relaxed than people typically think. Plus, we've both got that first-born headstrong pioneer thing goin' on. And besides, we change every day--we grow with each other.

Despite my frustration with oversimplifications, I do it to people all the time. How can we avoid it? In order to talk about a person, or anything really, don't we have to simplify it to fit within the constraints of language?

But the real problem arises when we do it to ourselves. Sometimes we get so caught up in defining ourselves with language, that it's easy to forget that we're much more complex than we're able to express. I think that it's easy to miss opportunities this way. I remember in college, for example, thinking about majoring in writing, but assuming that I was too much of an extrovert for something like that, even though writing remained one of my favorite pastimes throughout my college career. I know people who have turned down leadership opportunities because they have labeled themselves "helpers"--even though they end up taking charge during the process naturally anyway.

Just a thought for today. How do you define yourself? Is it limiting? Is it accurate? How do others define you? Are they accurate? Do you feel a little put in a box?

Something to think about.

Comments? Anecdotes? Put 'em below please! And have a great day :-)

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