Monday, March 21, 2011

Moving...and so the job search begins

My husband and I are getting ready for another exciting transition! We've had a lot of those in our relationship lately...

December 2009: He popped the big question
January-May 2010: We plan the wedding, me 336 miles away, finishing college and writing all those super long papers they make you do your last semester ;-)
May 2010: I graduate
July 2010: The wedding and honeymoon!
August 2010: Moved into a new apartment
September 2010: I start my very first "real job" (what I thought would be a career) and the hubby starts his undergrad at a community college
October 2010: I realize this is NOT the career I want (more on that later)
December 2010: I leave my job
January-present: I work 2-3 jobs at any given time (which is actually kinda fun most of the time) while the hubby goes to school and works close to full time
Two days ago: The hubby gets accepted to music school, and we resolve to make the move!

So many exciting things!

I've been kind of unofficially browsing for jobs in the area where the hubby's music school is for a few weeks now, just getting my feet wet. I'm at a point in my life where there isn't a specific position I'm looking for. I know what I'm good at, and with the help of my former short-lived career, I also know what I really do not want to do. Besides knowing how much money we need to stay afloat, and having a loose concept of what I know I can and can't do, I'm pretty open to anything that comes my way. I've been using a few different job search sites, the town's online newspaper, some craigslist here and there, and the college's website to browse job openings, and have pretty much just been specifying the town name when needed and just looking at all the jobs that come up. So far, there has been one administrative assistant-type job that offered a decent salary, benefits, and the opportunity to work at the college my husband will be attending.

I filled out the online app halfway today...and then exited. I couldn't finish it. Something about it just doesn't seem right. I know I'm in no position to turn my nose up at an opportunity. Right now I have a BA in English to leverage in a very small college town where most of the jobs don't even approach $20,000/year...but we do have until August to get settled, although we would move before then if it worked out.

So, I cooked up a mean tuna noodle casserole tonight, read some food blogs, and watched a Shaytards video on YouTube (my go-to chill pills). We'll see what the morning brings.

Hey you! You made it this far, you might as well comment ;-) ...and for the overachievers out there, share this link with someone who might enjoy it!


  1. I can't believe you feel like a grown up!?! Wasn't it just a few years ago that we were playing with American Girl dolls and Barbies? Ha, but seriously, I totally know what you are feeling. Just went through pretty much the same thing. Lets go back to playing with Barbies. Love the blog:)

  2. I love blogs and I love you ... follower!

  3. @Kayleigh: Well...I can't exactly say I feel like a grown up. It's more like some parts of my life feel very grown up while others feel very not. Like the "real world" and being married feel pretty adult...but I also am about to watch the season finale of Pretty Little Liars. Also, when I got this comment in my email, an ad came up at the top for American Girl dolls that said "Buy Limited Edition Kit Doll Today!" 1. Google is getting a little freakishly smart. 2. Kit was the shiz.

  4. @Erin: Thanks so much for following me! I love you and blogs too, haha.

  5. I like how you call Esteban your "hubby." It makes me happy! Almost like you are trying to keep his identity hidden cuz he is a super-secret spy or something... hehe. I love you my dear friend and happy writing!
    PS: Wedding Weekend was the bestest!
