Wednesday, March 23, 2011

People with lots of slashes: Generation Y

I started a new part-time job today.

I stumbled upon a book called One Person/Multiple Careers by Marci Alboher.

Just a few days ago I was talking to a friend and she told me that she thinks a few part-time jobs might be the only way she can stay engaged in her job(s).

Do you detect a theme? Books are being published on the subject, being bought by Generation Y members, and a general discontent with the modern workplace is the norm for my peers that I'm in contact with regularly. Is this a real phenomenon? Are Generation Y members (currently age 20ish-30ish) bored with the modern workplace? Maybe.

Think about it. My generation grew up in a world of stimulation. We are the first real internet generation, TV shows, movies, books and other forms of internet entertainment or otherwise have been available to us on small mobile devices and a large repertoire of in-home devices from very early in our adulthood. We are used to having lots of choices in what we use to engage our free time. We are used to being able to contribute content to the world around us (case in point, blogging!). Information is so readily accessible that we can explore a wide variety of interests almost simultaneously. What career can keep up with all of that?

The answer might be many careers, either at once or throughout one's working years. From what I gather from the information online about One Person/Multiple Careers, people who are surgeons/playwrights, freelance editors/lawyers, or even bloggers/LotsOfOtherRandomThings ;-) are becoming more and more common. The question, "What do you do?" seems to be getting harder to definitively answer, and more and more dreaded by a new generation of workers.

I know that I really enjoyed the experience of working a new job today, but also look forward to the change of pace my other part-time job will offer on Saturday. Maybe the "daily grind" isn't that "daily" anymore....

Thoughts? Comment below and share with a friend!

P.S.- More about my personal job search and some of my job history is coming soon!

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