Monday, March 28, 2011

Job search update: When one just isn't enough

When I'm in the midst of my typical job-website-browsing-routine, I can get pretty frustrated, depending on the day. Some days it seems like the only jobs in the area to which we are trying to relocate are either:

1. Very low-paying...and we're frugal people. It doesn't take all that much to pay our bills.
2. Out of my being in charge of a herd of cattle, or acting as an experienced railroad track builder. I don't know about you, but my college didn't offer those classes.
3. Nonexistent...when the only jobs your search produces contain the phrases "Start Mystery Shopping Now for a Small Fee" or "Get Your Own Vending Machine Route (Commission Only)," you really know you're in trouble.

The past few days have been filled with all three of the above job categories, and it's days like this that make me think "Ya know what? Screw you, traditional workplace! I'm a perfectly acceptable worker/human being and I'm going to do this my own way! I'm going to be self-employed!"

Yeah! Take that, The Man.


But first, would you mind telling me how to do that?

And you know what? It turns out that when you ask The Man the above question via the internet, he has a very large variety of resources out there. I guess I'm not the only crazy on the block; there are A LOT of us, searching the internet for information on the topic often. I mean, check out this list of links found on one single website. Other similar websites boast comparable lists.

Maybe the answer for me is going to be a little more complicated than "having a job." It might be one or two formal part-time dealios, plus (in an awesome world where I am able to attract clients) some self-generated work. We'll see.

However, when it's all said and done, I'm comforted to find out that I'm not the only person who fantasizes about some degree of self-employment. Apparently all of you do too. Google told me so.

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